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You Said... We Did

When we started the Wellbeing Award all parents were sent a questionnaire regarding Mental Health and Wellbeing.

We examined your responses and made improvements based on your suggestions:

You said…

“Most parents look on the website for updates rather than on the schools Facebook page.”

We did…

Our website has been updated and we hope you enjoy learning more about wellbeing in school. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve this or anything you would like to see added please contact Miss Towers.

You said…

“Parents prefer to communicate with school via phone and text message.”

We did…

We are using our text message service more regularly to inform parents of events in school and other information.

You said…

“Parents would like to attend events half termly or termly.”

We did…

We are providing more family events, including coffee mornings, Friends of Crosshill events, games nights, classes for parents and information evenings.

You said…

“Offer students more activities out of school.”

We did…

We are looking to provide holiday clubs, after school activities (such as arts and crafts, cooking) and more residential stays.

You said…

“Please provide more support for parents such as help filling in forms, classes in how to best support our children.”

We did…

Parents have accessed help with filling in forms and we will continue to offer this help. We are looking at providing more help for parents next school year such as mental health and wellbeing stand and information at parents evenings, information evenings, etc.