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Multi Agency Working

As part of our therapy and wellbeing provision we work with a range of professionals to ensure that our students have the best chance of success.

These professionals work with us to form a multi-disciplinary team which supports each student in whichever area they require support or intervention. To gain access to the majority of these professionals it is via a referral system from either education, health or care professionals.

This team currently comprises of:

  • School nurse
  • Physiotherapists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Speech and language therapists
  • Autism support team
  • Learning disability nursing team
  • Psychiatrist
  • Clinical psychologist
  • Child psychotherapist
  • Educational psychologist
  • Hearing impaired advisory teacher
  • Visually impaired advisory teacher
  • Social services
  • Inclusion officer
  • School counsellors
  • Play therapist
  • Paediatrician
  • Physical difficulties support team
  • Mental Health Support Team

If you would like advice on how to access these services or professionals then please contact school.

Family and Inclusion Team

The Family and Inclusion team support learners and families across the school, working with classroom staff and other professionals in school to ensure that students are safe, happy, able to make progress and do well. This team supports students and families when they join the school to make smooth and well planned transitions into their new class teams and to ensure that important information and strategies are shared with colleagues across the school.

Work with children

The team are able to work with children directly in the classroom or in our specialist areas across the building supporting students to become “classroom ready”. The teams focus can be on a wide range of areas including sensory support, communication, academic intervention, social skills and many other forms of interventions. Some members of the team are able to visit families at home to help set up new routines, to observe students and to model behaviour strategies.

Family Support and keeping children safe

Safeguarding and student safety is paramount at Crosshill School and this team work with class teams and our Assistant Headteacher for Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes to develop Risk Assessments, Care Plans, Personal Handling and Behaviour Plans.

The team works in conjunction with Blackburn with Darwen Disabilities Team and Family Support and Social work teams and always try to ensure families are supported to avoid crisis interventions. We are able to make referrals into social work teams to access short breaks and social work assessments.

Partnership working

The Family and Inclusion team works closely with Friends of Crosshill to run regular coffee mornings, and events for parents and carers to access advice and support, and also meet and make friends with other families in the school.

If you would like to know more about what this team offers then please contact our Pastoral Manager in school. 

Any member of staff, student, parent or carer who is concerned about the mental health and wellbeing of a student should speak to our SENCO and Safeguarding Lead (Mrs Hadfield) or Pastoral Manager (Mrs Smith) about their concerns. We will monitor and support them and if appropriate, refer to outside agencies for further intervention to offer the tailored help that may be needed.