We have significant airborne allergies within school. DO NOT bring the following items into school: shellfish, mushrooms, strawberries, nuts, nut oils or nut milks.
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Community Links

We feel it is important to develop links with our local community to promote wellbeing and mental health.

We need a sense of belonging that connects us to the many relationships we develop in school, at home or in the community. Research has shown that our social connections can have a huge impact on our wellbeing and our ability to cope with challenges in life.

Our school continues to extend and develop its links with the local community and wider community. We regularly involve members of our local community including religious groups, police and the use of facilities, such as swimming pools and shops.

Some students are also involved in careers and vocational education activities including the opportunity for work experience. We also provide placements for local colleges and schools to assist in developing the knowledge and understanding of disability in the wider community.